The Lumina can restore your full range of vision
Restoring vision without the use of spectacles
AkkoLens has developed the Lumina lens, an accommodative intraocular lens (AIOL) that can restore vision and accommodation. The Lumina allows you to see sharp images at all distances without the use of spectacles.
Cataract and presbyopia
- Your eyesight becomes compromised when you grow older. In your 40’s, your eyes lose the ability to accommodate, to focus on nearby objects. You have become a presbyope and need spectacles for reading. Cataract, a cloudiness of the natural lens, generally develops from the age of 60 onwards.
- Cataract can be treated by exchange of the cloudy natural lens by a clear artificial lens during a short and routine surgery.
- Monofocal artificial lenses are used most for such exchange. Monofocal lenses only offer sharp vision at only one distance because they cannot change their shape as the young natural lens can. So, you will need spectacles for intermediate vision, as in computer tasks, and for near vision, as in reading.
- The Lumina is especially designed to change focus, change optical power, and can provide intermediate and near vision as well as sharp distance vison.
The lens will be available at a number of selected European eye clinics; a list of these will be published soon on this website.

The Lumina offers a complete solution
The Lumina offers sharp vision over a full range of distances, intermediate and near without compromising contrast sensitivity and without irritating side effects such as haloes and glare.